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The Stronger Me - Dani Faur

Writer's picture: TheBoxBarbellClubTheBoxBarbellClub

Q: Dani, how would you present yourself in couple of words?

Dani: I am a structured person, always eager to learn new things and improve myself in everything I do. I like to help other people and to surround myself with friends.

Q: What was your first contact with sports?

Dani: As a child I’ve tried all kind of sports like football, table tennis, rugby and of course the traditional gym. Unfortunately I didn’t manage to stay for long with any of them.

Later, when I got stuck in the office for long hours I realised how important the sport is to keep myself healthy and even more organized. At that point I’ve decided to make a change and step by step it became a new lifestyle.

Q: When and why did you start training @The Box?

Dani: I’ve started training at the Box from the day we rented the new place. We were training here amongst construction materials, workers and lots of dust. The good part was that we didn’t need an Magnezium for grip.

Now I really appreciate the community and the way the trainings are set up.

Q: How did you change since starting @ The Box?

Dani: The Box helps become a better and better version of myself as it challenges me to learn something new every day. This stands for both sport training and admin work. For the latter, not a single day passes by without a new bump in our way. During the past months I’ve learned a lot about creating and managing a business.

Q: What motivates you to keep practicing sport?

Dani: I think the community and my will to become better version of myself. For example when you find a difficult training program, you work hard in order to make it feel easier. When this happens, it means you are better/stronger and you start looking for a more difficult one once again.

Q: How would motivate your friends to start doing sport? What would you tell them?

Dani: Probably by using my personal experience. Do you want to be healthier? Do you want to feel stronger and more organized? I have accomplished this by seeing the sport as a new lifestyle. The benefits are unlimited.

Q: Can you tell me a funny moment since you started doing sports?

Dani: When I’ve met coach Petrican 😊

Q: How do you see competition in sports?

Dani: I think competition is required as it motivates you to become better, stronger. It makes you push your limits. I have experienced this at my first competition (Uzina Cup). It was very hard and it made me realize how much I have to work – the good part is that all this happened in a very friendly environment

Q: How important do you find the community, when practicing sports?

Dani: I think community is very important and actually this is one of our primary focus at The Box. I got to meet lots of my friends and even my partners here @ The Box this way. I usually go to the gym with the mindset to train with nice people, friends or future friends.

I consider that the community can help you to be more constant with trainings as they make you turn up to the gym even when you don’t feel like training. In the same time I think they help you push your limits past the threshold you had planned for a specific training.

Q: What does “The Stronger Me” mean for you?

Dani: These words, in my view, refer to constant evolution. Fulfilling an objective is shortly followed by setting a new one. Such an objective could be moving from a sedentary lifestyle to an active one, becoming more organized or any important change for you.


Q: Daca ar fi sa te prezinti in 5 propozitii, care ar fi acestea?

Dani: Sunt o persoana organizata, motivat sa invat constant lucruri noi si sa devin mai bun in tot ceea ce fac. Imi place sa ajut alte personae si sa fiu inconjurat de prieteni.

Q: Care a fost primul tau contact cu sportul?

Dani: In copilarie am incercat mai multe sporturi: fotbal, tenis de masa, rugby, si bineinteles sala conventionala – insa toate fara a avea o consistenta.

Mai tarziu, petrecand foarte multe ore la birou am realizat ca am nevoie de sport pentru a deveni mai sanatos, dar in acelasi timp si mai organizat. Atunci am decis sa fac o schimbare si incet incet am ajuns sa consider sportul un stil de viata

Q:Ce te-a determinat sa incepi sa te antrenezi la The Box si de cat timp faci acest lucru?

Dani: Am inceput sa ma antrenez la The Box din ziua in care am inchiriat sala, printre materiale de constructii, muncitori si mult praf. Partea bunea e ca nu era nevoie de magneziu. Acum apreciez mult comunitatea si modul in care sunt gandite antrenamentele.

Q: In ce fel simti ca te-a schimbat The Box?

Dani: The Box ma ajuta sa devin o versiune din ce in ce mai buna a mea pentru ca ma provoaca sa invat cate ceva nou in fiecare zi. Acest lucru se aplica atat pe parte sportiva cat si pe parte administrativa, unde tot timpul te lovesti de ceva nou si nu intotdeauna simplu. Am invatat in ultimele luni sa iau decizii administrative care tin de crearea si administrarea unei firme.

Q: Ce te motiveaza sa continui sa faci sport?

Dani: Comunitatea si dorinta de a deveni tot timpul cea mai buna versiune a mea. De exemplu cand gasesti un program de antrenament greu lucrezi pentru ca acesta sa devina mai usor. Cand simti ca acest lucru se intampla, tu automat esti mai bun si alegi un alt program de antrenament care te pune in dificultate.

Q: Cum ti-ai motiva prietenii sa inceapa sa faca sport? Ce le-ai transmite?

Dani: Prin experienta personala. Vrei sa devii mai sanatos? Vrei sa te simti mai puternic si mai organizat? Eu am reusit asta vazand sportul ca un stil de viata. Beneficiile sunt nelimitate.

Q: O experienta amuzanta de cand ai inceput sportul?

Dani: L-am cunoscut pe coach Petrican :))

Q: Cum vezi competitia in sport?

Dani: Necesara, ma motiveaza sa devin mai bun, mai puternic. Te motiveaza sa iti impingi limitele. Am vazut asta la prima competitie de amatori (Uzina Cup) la care am participat. A fost grea, m-a ajutat sa realizez cat de mult mai am de lucru si toate astea s-au intamplat intr-un cadru foarte friendly.

Q: Cat de importanta este comunitatea in sport?

Dani: Foarte importanta. Asa am cunoscut multi prieteni, printre care chiar si colegii de la The Box. Merg la sala ma antrenez cu oameni dragi, prieteni, viitori prieteni.

Consider ca persoanele din comunitate te pot ajuta sa fi constant si sa vii la antrenamente chiar daca nu ai starea necesara. In acelasi timp te pot ajuta si sa iti depasesti limitele pe care ti le-ai setat pentru antrenamentul respectiv.

Q: Ce inseamna "The Stronger me" pentru tine? *

Dani: Acest cuvinte inseamna pentru mine evolutie constanta. Indeplinirea unui obiectiv setat este imediat urmata de setarea unuia nou. Un obiectiv poate fi trecerea de la o viata sedentara la una active, de la dezordine la organizare etc.


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