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The Stronger Me - Gabi Sincraian

Writer's picture: TheBoxBarbellClubTheBoxBarbellClub

In the following weeks we are going to explore what “The stronger me” means for our community. Therefore, we are starting a series of mini-interviews with our members and the team. Today we start with Gabi.

Q: Gabi, how would you present yourself in couple of words?

Gabi: I am a 30 years old former Olympic Weightlifter, and currently I am a coach @ The Box Barbell Club. I consider myself an ambitious person and usually in the end I get what I want. I like to be surrounded by people and learn from each one of them as much as possible. The spare time I have, I usually use to look for interesting facts, document and learn as I am fully aware about the amount of work required to reach a performance level.

Q: What was your first contact with sports?

Gabi: The first contact was in 1995, when I was 7 and stepped into a gymnastics gym. Not after a long time, I have discovered my passion for weightlifting

Q: When and why did you start training @The Box?

Gabi: Well first of all I consider that this is one of the very few places in town where you can do proper weightlifting. I have started training here right from the beginning.

Q: How did you change since starting @ The Box?

Gabi: Since I have started coaching @The Box, I feel I grew a lot as a person. I found here the right context to develop myself both personally and professionally. I like helping people to become a better version of themselves, either through my classes or my seminars.

Q: What motivates you to keep practicing sport?

Gabi: I am doing sport for around 20 years now, so is more of a routine. I cannot imagine my life without sport.

Q: How would motivate your friends to start doing sport? What would you tell them?

Gabi: I would tell them that doing sport is healthy and should be a key part of their life as it brings the following benefits: a harmonious body, increases the immunity system and provides an increased energy level.

Q: How do you see competition in sports?

Gabi: Competition is sport is a unique experience every time and it helps to surpass your limits. I didn’t find yet, any other place where you could experience the emotion you feel when you are on the podium.

Q: How important do you find the community, when practicing sports?

Gabi: The community in sport is a key factor as it is much more motivating to train in a team than individually. Additionally the training sessions are more fun.

Q: What does “The Stronger Me” mean for you?

Gabi: Well... First, to be healthy and independent. Additionally, I can’t deny my calling, so it also means to lift large weights with a correct technique - to avoid injuries or the necessity of using accessories like belts or bandages.


In saptamanile ce urmeaza ne propunem sa descoperim ce inseamna The stronger me pentru comunitatea The Box. Va urma o serie de mini interviuri atat cu echipa The Box cat si cu o parte dintre membrii nostrii. Incepem cu Gabi.

Q: Gabi, daca ar fi sa te prezinti in cateva cuvinte, care ar fi acestea?

Gabi: Am 30 de ani, sunt fost sportiv de performanta iar in prezent antrenez la The Box. Sunt o persoana ambitoasa iar ceea ce imi propun imi reuseste in general. Imi place sa fiu in contact cu oamenii, si sa invat de la ei cat mai mult. TImpul liber mi-l petrec cautand lucruri interesante si documentandu-ma din punct de vedere educational, deoarece stiu cat de multa munca este nevoie pentru a ajunge la performanta.

Q: Care a fost primul tau contact cu sportul?

Gabi: Am inceput sportul in anul 1995, la varsta de 7 ani cand am pasit pentru prima data intr-o sala de gimnastica. Nu dupa mult timp am descoperit pasiunea pentru haltere.

Q: Ce te-a determinat sa incepi sa antrenezi la The Box si de cat timp faci acest lucru?

Gabi: In primul rand consider ca este unul din putinele locuri din oras unde se poate face weightlifting la cel mai inalt nivel! Am inceput sa antrenez aici de cand s-a deschis sala.

Q: In ce fel simti ca te-a schimbat The Box?

Gabi: De cand am devenit antrenor la The Box, simt ca m-am dezvoltat in primul rand ca si om. Cred ca am gasit aici contextul potrivit in care sa cresc atat pe plan professional cat si personal. Imi place sa ii ajut pe oameni sa creasca fie la clase fie prin intermediul seminariilor mele.

Q: Ce te motiveaza sa continui sa faci sport?

Gabi: Practic sport de 20 de ani, asa ca a devenit o rutina. Nu pot sa imi imaginez viata mea fara sport.

Q: Cum ti-ai motiva prietenii sa inceapa sa faca sport? Ce le-ai transmite?

Gabi: In primul rand le-as spune ca sportul este sanatos si important in viata fiecarui om deoarece vine cu urmatoarele beneficii : ajuta la dezvoltarea armonioasa a corpului , iti creste imunitatea si te face sa fii mai energic.

Q: Cum vezi competitia in sport?

Gabi: Competitia in sport este o experienta unica de fiecare data si te ajuta sa te auto-depasesti. Nu am intalnit un alt loc unde sa simti emotiile pe care le experimentezi cand urci pe podium.

Q: Cat de importanta este comunitatea in sport?

Gabi: Comunitatea in sport este importanta deoarece este mult mai motivant sa te antrenezi in echipa decat pe cont propriu, plus ca antrenamentele sunt mai distractive.

Q: Ce inseamna "The Stronger Me" pentru tine?

Gabi: In primul rand sa fiu sanatos si independent. Pe langa asta nu pot sa imi neg pasiunea, asa ca ma gandesc sa ridic greutati mari cu o tehnica cat mai corecta pentru a evita accidentarile si pentru a nu fi nevoit sa folosesc accesorii (centura , bandaje) .


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